The Blackhope Trail

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Date Saturday 28 September

Timing 10.15am-5pm

Length 14 miles

Ascent 2755ft

Difficulty level Strenuous

Leader Robert Meiklem

Cost  £15

Meet at St Andrew's Church (registration centre)

This is a challenging walk and must only be attempted by very fit hill walkers who are appropriately equipped.

NEW TEXT COMING We will travel by minibus for a short while to the start: Hearthstane, just north of Tweedsmuir. We’ll begin following a track that’s slowly going to guide us through the forest. As we leave the track we’ll start to gain elevation and soon approach our first summit, the highest point of the round at 2755ft: Broad Law – this is the second highest hill in Southern Scotland, and it's the highest in the Borders.


The Blackhope Trail

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Date Saturday 28 September  

Timing 10.15am-5pm

Length 14 miles

Ascent 2755ft

Difficulty level Strenuous

Leader Robert Meiklem

Cost  £15

Meet at St Andrew's Church (registration centre)

This is a challenging walk and must only be attempted by very fit hill walkers who are appropriately equipped.

We will travel by minibus for a short while to the start: Hearthstane, just north of Tweedsmuir. We’ll begin following a forestry track that’s slowly going to guide us through the forest. As we leave the track we’ll start to gain elevation and soon approach our first summit, the highest point of the round at 2755ft: Broad Law – this is the second highest hill in Southern Scotland, and it's the highest in the Borders.


Classified as a Corbett (a Scottish mountain over 2500ft), Broad Law has some unique features at the top. We’ll stop here for a short while to appreciate it, take pictures and have a breather.

Next we'll head along to the second summit point of Cramalt Craig (a Donald, a hill of 2,300ft). Offering spectacular views down into Megget reservoir, this summit should be the perfect vantage point for our break.

We have one more summit to touch which is Dollar Law (another Donald) before we follow the path and then forest track back down to the side of the A701 and along to our original starting point.

Top tip this is an all-day walk so you may want to bring a packed lunch



Robert Meiklem


This is Robert... 

Locals will know Robert as a trainer at the Gym at Moffat but in his spare time he's an avid hill walker. He's started building a YouTube channel on his hiking and camping adventures. Being from Moffat, he loves exploring Moffat's hills and is looking forward to introducing new walkers to them.

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